Don’t Miss the Encore (Prize, That Is); Deadline is June 29

ApproximatVirginia G. Piper Logoely one out of four Arizonans is 50 years of age or older. Interest is increasing among this experienced group in “encore” careers—new activities that combine personal satisfaction with social impact.

The Virginia G. Piper Charitable Trust has created the “Encore Prize” to reward nonprofit and public sector organizations that are leading the way in engaging older adults in social purposes. The Piper Trust will award up to three $5,000 prizes to organizations. Plus, one of the three may receive a $50,000 Encore Enhancement Prize to expand their use of 50+ talent. The deadline for application is June 29. See for more information.

In 2009, the Piper Trust helped to launch Experience Matters, an initiative to connect 50+ adults with social purpose opportunities, led by Flinn-Brown Fellow Nora Hannah. Nora works daily to recruit, train, and place experienced Arizonans (mostly Baby Boomers right now) with nonprofit or civic organizations in need of their expertise. This deep reservoir of talent is expected to pay dividends for communities as experience in one field is transferred to others to serve the greater good. See to learn more about opportunities with Experience Matters.

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